Friday Fun!

Since it’s the Friday before the short week of Thanksgiving (can I get an amen to that?!?) I thought I would share some of the fun I have found in the past few weeks.

Bad Christian Podcast (Click Here!)

So I’m going to warn you…these guys don’t hold back, so take everything with a grain of salt. But they are absolutely hilarious and real which I just love about them. Two of them are from the band Emery and the other one used to be in but now is a pastor. So they love Jesus without being all Jesusy (I’m pretty sure that’s a word…right?!?) They have guests that they interview and talk about hard topics while being very real and truthful about them. And my favorite part is the news portion at the end of the show. They interviewed Lacey Sturm (who I mentioned in my last post) so that’s how I found them! So like I said …be prepared for some craziness and check them out!

John Crist (Click HERE)
So a friend of mine has a friend that knows this guy…yeah I know that sounds legit. Anyways he is a Christian and a comedian and has recently came out with a video about Christian Girls on Instagram. Hilarious! I just started following him on twitter and Instagram and have been greatly entertained. So check him out as well.

Thankful List
I want to challenge everyone to make a thankful list this weekend before the craziness of cooking and baking and football watching begins! That way you can reflect on it over the Thanksgiving week to remind you of how blessed you truly are. And if you are up for being super crafty you can make  A Thankful Tree! I found this on Pinterest and think its super cute. I’m just too lazy to make it this year haha…so maybe next year!

Have a happy “pre stuff yourself crazy and be so very thankful” weekend!!

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